May 2019 Responses

Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____,
it makes me feel___.

What was the last book that you read?

Laurel Chiappetta
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. My favorite yoga pose is headstand, it makes me feel balanced.
What was the last book that you read? Rising Strong by Brene Brown

Jill Clary
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. Favorite yoga pose – Urdhva Dhanurasana; it makes me feel energized, puts a smile on my face, and my back thanks me!
What was the last book that you read? Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, a reread. I love all her novels but this is my favorite of hers. 

Ed Dinnen
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. A favorite yoga pose. To be sure, a difficult question to answer. Natarajasana, for the grace and strength it expresses, in a body is a favorite. And yin, supta parivrtta eka pada raja kapotasana, for the deep, satisfying stretch, is another.
What was the last book that you read?
Just finished Tourist Season, a novel by Carl Hiaasen. His sarcastic commentary on the human condition in Florida, delivered a mental respite during our Pittsburgh winter. He also throws in a dollop of hope.

There always seems to be a number of books, I have yet to finish. So currently, I’m re-reading, Yoga Anatomy, by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews. Also in the mix; Yoga, The Body, and Embodied Social Change, An Intersectional Feminist Analysis, edited by Beth Beria, Melanie Klein, and Chelsea Jackson Roberts.

Kimberly Hoover
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. My favorite yoga poses right now are anything that get deep into my hips, like low lizard lunge and half pigeon. I am recovering from an injury in my leg, and opening my hips always feels like more than a stretch–it feels like healing!
What was the last book that you read? I am reading A Mindful Universe by Alexander and Newell. It is partially for my doctoral research and partially for my personal nerding out about the universe. 🙂

Shawna Locke
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. Adho mukha Mandukasana is a favorite (I know, I’m the only person who likes frog). I go into it with the knowledge that I will have to relax to make my peace with it and over time that relaxation has become almost automatic to the point that I crave it. 
What was the last book that you read?
I’m currently reading Structural Yoga Anatomy by Mukunda Stiles and just started reading Yoga Beyond Belief by Ganga White.  Also just finished a trashy, formulaic, guilty pleasure Danielle Steel novel. Keeping it real.

Brian Pang
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. Favorite yoga pose is Ustrasana (Camel Pose). It makes me feel open and receptive to the unknown.
What was the last book that you read? Reading Lonely Planet Japan because I like reading about different cultures and places.

Becky Roush
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. Lately, savasana it makes me feel like I’m catching up.  I’ve been overscheduling myself. 
What was the last book that you read? 10% Happier by Dan Harris.

Maggie Sestito
Fill in the following Sentence:  My favorite yoga pose is ____, it makes me feel___. My favorite yoga pose is half moon! I especially love launching into it from side angle. I think half moon is a really powerful pose that offers both strength and ease. I also like how many directions the body is reaching while staying balanced and centered. 
What was the last book that you read? I am currently reading Becoming by Michelle Obama! She’s a beautiful human and the book is fabulous. I highly recommend it.

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A yoga studio in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania